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Bake Out Ball, Deodorized Yellow Out Ball

Tohyang Bioball ( tohyang life Sciences )


Company Introduction

Bake Out Ball and Deodorizing Yellow Out Ball are unscented ball-shaped deodorizers that are effective in deodorizing by absorbing harmful ingredients and odors from building materials, which are the cause of sick building syndrome.

Product Description

Bake Out Ball 200g / Deodorizing Yellow Out Ball 200g

Bake-out balls were made by adding red clay, and deodorizing yellow out-balls were made by adding zeolite.

Bake Out Ball and Deodorizing Yellow Out Ball absorb and remove harmful components from building materials, which are the cause of sick building syndrome.

It is an unscented, ball-shaped solid deodorizer that is effective in deodorizing by absorbing odors as well.

Since spray deodorants enter the respiratory tract when sprayed, they are made in solid form to prevent them from entering the respiratory tract.

The effectiveness is maximized when it is in the form of a ball, so it was manufactured in a ball-shaped solid form.